A la final, era como decía mi amigo el Omar:
| You scored as Postmodernist. Postmodernism is the belief in complete open interpretation. You see the universe as a collection of information with varying ways of putting it together. There is no absolute truth for you; even the most hardened facts are open to interpretation. Meaning relies on context and even the language you use to describe things should be subject to analysis.
Postmodernist | | 88% | Cultural Creative | | 75% | Existentialist | | 69% | Materialist | | 63% | Modernist | | 56% | Idealist | | 38% | Romanticist | | 31% | Fundamentalist | | 6% |
What is Your World View? |
4 comentario(s):
Bueno, I scored as Cultural Creative y siguiendo la punta muy cerquita Postmodernist, o sea que no semo' todo' iguale'. Pero casi.
bueno, para variar yo quedo afuera de "todos":
Idealist 100%
Cultural Creative 100%
Romanticist 75%
Postmodernist 75%
Modernist 63%
Fundamentalist 56%
Materialist 56%
Existentialist 56%
Existentialist 81%
Postmodernist 69%
Modernist 69%
Cultural Creative 69%
Materialist 50%
Romanticist 38%
Fundamentalist 25%
Idealist 19%
Cultural Creative 81%
Existentialist 75%
Romanticist 69%
Materialist 56%
Postmodernist 50%
Modernist 44%
Idealist 31%
Fundamentalist 31%
no puedo creer que el existencialismo esta antes que el posmodernismo....ahi va para los que me dicen idealista (solo por anhelar que el vino se haga con uva ,la tarta de limon con limon, el pan sin bromato y las sanlchichas con alguna parte reconocible de algun animal definido)
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